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Minggu, 15 Desember 2019

Screen capture using movie maker

This video about How to Make 3 Dimensional in Power Point

        This video made by using the application screen capture and edited by using the movie maker. the purpose of these application is to edit and combine the video with using Movie Maker. Screen capture is the application which we can use to make the tutorial of something. Screen capturing / recording is recording the activities carried out by the user on a computer screen using input devices. Usually this recording is done by a screen recorder application that is run on a computer, although it can also be produced by a camera or device that captures video output from a computer. Windows Movie Maker is a video processing program or software that is built in from Windows XP.

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UAS Audacity

       Audacity is the application to edit the audio, audacity can use the audio like news,  and explain of something. Audacity is the best voting application that has ever existed in the open source world. This application was built with the WxWidget library so that it can run on a variety of operating systems.  With Audacity, users can correct certain sounds, or choose to add various effects provided. In addition, users can also be creative with their own voice supported.The advantages of this application are features and stability. The library used is also not too much and the waiting time is also not too long. The weakness of this application is that the user interface is a bit stiff compared to similar applications in other operating systems. I made this audio using application "Audacity". You can choose this application to edit your sound and add the effect backsong in your sound.

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Sabtu, 14 Desember 2019

CALL (audacity)

     With Audacity, users can correct certain sounds, or choose to add various effects provided. In addition, users can also be creative with their own voice supported. This audio using by application " Audacity" you can use this application for edit your sound and edit backsong in your sound. The advantages of this application are features and stability. The library used is also not too much and the waiting time is also not too long. The weakness of this application is that the user interface is a bit stiff compared to similar applications in other operating systems.

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Screen capture

This video about How to Make Animation Text in Power Point

      Screen capture is the application how to make the tutorial of something. Screen capturing / recording is recording the activities carried out by the user on a computer screen using input devices. Usually this recording is done by a screen recorder application that is run on a computer, although it can also be produced by a camera or device that captures video output from a computer. This video use to how to make animation  the text using power point using "SCREEN CAPTURE". You can use the application to make the tutorial

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Movie Maker

This video about expressing of request and receive

     This application was created to make it easier for users to do editing for video or film making. The way this application works is a video or photo to be assembled into video. Not only stringing,Windows Movie Maker also comes with additional features such as adding effects, video transitions, approving posts in the video, and so forth. Windows Movie Maker is a video processing program or software that is built in from Windows XP. This video with using the application Movie Maker. Movie maker is the application to edit the video, and combine the video from one to another. 

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Video Editor

This video about Expressing Wishes


     Video editing is the process of editing video clips resulting from the shooting process, where in this process an editor selects or edits images in the video form by cutting video clips (cut to cut) and then combining the video pieces into a a video that is intact to then become a good video to watch.The application "Video Editor" has the functions like combine the video and edit the video. And this application has same function with movie maker. This video explain about the expressing wishes using application "Video Editor" Click "Subscribe" to see the video.😊

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Senin, 02 Desember 2019

Political Condition In Indonesia Heats Up After Demonstration On November 4th

Political Condition In Indonesia Heats Up After Demonstration On November 4th

Religion blasphemy case that happened to Basuki Tjahaya Purnama or Ahok, was triggered emotion of some religion figures and moslemen. That’s why, the initiative to make a massive demonstration was done to get justice. Massive demonstration which was promoted by some islamic organization on 4 November 2016 brings some effects on political condition in Indonesia. Some of them are assumption of rescuing Ahok from law process, assumption of political actor who utilized the demonstration on 4/11, and coup issue.

Demonstration on 4/11 can lower Ahok’s electability. So far, Ahok has been on top of governor candidate, but it has decreased significantly after demonstration on 4/11. Ahok electability will raise again when Ahok is innocent on the religion blasphemy case. As the result, issue of rescuing Ahok appears. It makes political condition heats up.

Recently In social media, there are news that shows saving Ahok issue. Some sources bravely involves and mentions Indonesian Police on this case. Of course, it makes chaos, because the news is not one hundred percent true, but it can provoke many people. Even there are indication that some people in social media had been propagated.

Political condition in Indonesia has got more unstable since issue of political actors who utilized he demonstration on 4/11 appears. President f Indonesia, Jokowi, presented this after the demonstration. Even Jokowi said that, he have some intelligent information which shows political actor who re involved in 4/11 demonstration.

The issue of political actor can be separated from the issue of failing Ahok on governor election. Ahok can be a candidate of governor election when he got criminal case. So it will be easy for another candidate.

In fact, political actor is not only about Ahok. Some analysis show that there are some political actor who want to make chaos in political condition in Indonesia by utilizing demonstration on 4/11. By the chaos in political condition in Indonesia, the coup agenda can be done.

There are some people who want to make political condition in Indonesia as happen in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and so on. Coup agenda in some countries begin with chaos that involves civilian and military force. That chaos becomes a main gate for successful coup.

Therefore, some days ago, Jokowi checked Indonesian Military forces. General GatotNurmantyo, as commander of Indonesia military force, said that he and his troops are ready to prevent coup agenda. Clearly, he said that if there is people who eant to make chaos and do coup, they will deal with Indonesia military force.

However, the main intention of demonstration 4/11 is to find justice and to prove seriousness of law in Indonesia. Religion figure who promoted the demonstration don’t want to make chaos in political condition in Indonesia, of fourse, it is to make political condition in Indonesia better.

In other side, we cannot guarantee that all people who involved in 4/11 demonstration have good intention. We cannot guarantee this demonstration is free from the people that have different objective. Those people want make us separated to make a chaos in political condition in Indonesia. Therefore, not easily provoked is the wise way to make political condition in Indonesia is better.