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Senin, 02 Desember 2019

Political Condition In Indonesia Heats Up After Demonstration On November 4th

Political Condition In Indonesia Heats Up After Demonstration On November 4th

Religion blasphemy case that happened to Basuki Tjahaya Purnama or Ahok, was triggered emotion of some religion figures and moslemen. That’s why, the initiative to make a massive demonstration was done to get justice. Massive demonstration which was promoted by some islamic organization on 4 November 2016 brings some effects on political condition in Indonesia. Some of them are assumption of rescuing Ahok from law process, assumption of political actor who utilized the demonstration on 4/11, and coup issue.

Demonstration on 4/11 can lower Ahok’s electability. So far, Ahok has been on top of governor candidate, but it has decreased significantly after demonstration on 4/11. Ahok electability will raise again when Ahok is innocent on the religion blasphemy case. As the result, issue of rescuing Ahok appears. It makes political condition heats up.

Recently In social media, there are news that shows saving Ahok issue. Some sources bravely involves and mentions Indonesian Police on this case. Of course, it makes chaos, because the news is not one hundred percent true, but it can provoke many people. Even there are indication that some people in social media had been propagated.

Political condition in Indonesia has got more unstable since issue of political actors who utilized he demonstration on 4/11 appears. President f Indonesia, Jokowi, presented this after the demonstration. Even Jokowi said that, he have some intelligent information which shows political actor who re involved in 4/11 demonstration.

The issue of political actor can be separated from the issue of failing Ahok on governor election. Ahok can be a candidate of governor election when he got criminal case. So it will be easy for another candidate.

In fact, political actor is not only about Ahok. Some analysis show that there are some political actor who want to make chaos in political condition in Indonesia by utilizing demonstration on 4/11. By the chaos in political condition in Indonesia, the coup agenda can be done.

There are some people who want to make political condition in Indonesia as happen in Egypt, Turkey, Syria, and so on. Coup agenda in some countries begin with chaos that involves civilian and military force. That chaos becomes a main gate for successful coup.

Therefore, some days ago, Jokowi checked Indonesian Military forces. General GatotNurmantyo, as commander of Indonesia military force, said that he and his troops are ready to prevent coup agenda. Clearly, he said that if there is people who eant to make chaos and do coup, they will deal with Indonesia military force.

However, the main intention of demonstration 4/11 is to find justice and to prove seriousness of law in Indonesia. Religion figure who promoted the demonstration don’t want to make chaos in political condition in Indonesia, of fourse, it is to make political condition in Indonesia better.

In other side, we cannot guarantee that all people who involved in 4/11 demonstration have good intention. We cannot guarantee this demonstration is free from the people that have different objective. Those people want make us separated to make a chaos in political condition in Indonesia. Therefore, not easily provoked is the wise way to make political condition in Indonesia is better.

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